We thank you for any and all donations. All donations go towards server costs and other community expenses. Please note that we have no affiliation with these game developers and do not endorse pay to win servers. If you donate this is to help server costs only.
CPU: Intel OverClocked i7-7700 - 4c/8t - 3.8 GHz/4.2 GHz
RAM: 64GB DDR4 ECC 2400 MHz
DISKS: 2x 450 SSD NVME - Soft Raid
OS: Windows Server 2016
Public network card: 1 Gbps
Up to 500GB of DDOS Protection - Custom UDP/TCP firewall (3 Firewalls in total)
Our Community
Server Turret Limit Rule
For each Structure the turret limit has been increased to unlimited amount. Since we have no setting to double / triple or allow specific amounts, there for this is the current amount of weapons you can have on each structure type.
If you fail to follow the weapon limit rule your ship is subject to any punishment depending on the severity of your actions which will include:
1st Offense - Your structure will be confiscated and all your turrets will be manually removed by an in game admin. You will not be compensated for this.
2nd Offense - Your structure will be removed. You will not be compensated.
3rd Offense - You will be permanently banned and all your structures will be removed.
Bases: max: 4 RepairBay - 12 Mini-gun Turrets - 12 Flak Turrets - 12 Cannon Turrets - 12 Pulse Laser Turrets - 8 Rocket Turrets - 8 Plasma Turrets - 4 Artillery Turrets
Capitol Vessels: 4 RepairBay - 12 Mini-gun Turrets -. 12 Flak Turrets - 12 Cannon Turrets - 12 Pulse Laser Turrets - 8 Rocket Turrets - 8 Plasma Turrets - 4 Artillery Turrets - 12 Pulse Laser - 8 Rocket Launcher
Small Vessels: 8 Rocket Guns - max. 8 Plasma Guns - 8 Pulse Guns - 8 Rail Guns - 8 Rocket Launcher Homing - 12 Gatling Guns
Hover Vessels: 12 Gatling Guns - 12 Mini-gun Turrets - 8 Rocket Turrets - 8 Plasma Turrets - 2 Artillery Turrets - 12 Drills - 8 Turret Drills
All WWG Game Server Rules
***The Common Sense Rules***
No Racism/Hate-speak. When cancer is found, it is cut out at the root. If screenshots are provided of the incident and or video of proof - the offending player will receive a warning and then a perm ban. We all love a salty chat box during Raids, but there is no need to bring racism into play.
No Exploits or Hacks Period. These will most likely result in a permanent ban on a case by case basis.
No Extreme Griefing (AKA Don't be an Asshole) - No trolling new spawns and low level players - let them build and raid somebody in your own tier - Not everyone enjoys the Raid Life as a new player. Bully tactics used in a toxic manner such as constant KOS, multiple raids daily against the same groups or player. No bully slander in chat to push players off the server. I will remove the one person or members causing the issue if multiple groups threaten to leave because of continued toxicity.
Depending on the severity of your actions you will get a warning or simply a permanent ban.
About World War Gaming
WorldWarGaming Staff Roster:
Co-Owners - SixxGunZ - MadMan - MajorZ71
Admins In Game - Madman - SixxGunZ -Tone - Nail02 - Sons
Server Events
- Quote from SixxGunZ -
"We are a gaming community striving to be at the top of the leaderboard with top of the line professionalism. Be assured staff members will always treat you with respect and will never favor other players over you. We are here to run a clean and fair gaming community. Each server's rules may differ, but we aim to provide the best gaming experience possible."
We run a clean and fair Gaming Community and hold a high regard to professionalism when it comes to our staff and the way they present themeselves in or out of game. We do not play as normal players and will never push players off our server. We will do everything we can to talk all issues out with players if at all possible.
If you see an admin in chat or in game be respectful, they will not treat you unfairly. We are here to help, however, we also do enjoy to play at times during events. Admin command logging turned on so any player can see what is being "spawned" in through logs. Requests can be made for complete logs without personal info of course, message SixxGunZ for more info. Our Staff is an open book and we are prepared to amaze you with the most professional approach we can take as your new Admins. Please note Logs from the Conan server are a pain and may or may not have anything of use but SixxGunZ will do everything he can to provide every bit of information possible in both server performance and community relations.