CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1270v6 - 4c/8t - 3.8 GHz/4.2 GHz
RAM: 64GB DDR4 ECC 2400 MHz
DISKS: 2x 450 SSD NVME - Soft Raid
OS: Windows Server 2016
Public network card: 1 Gbps
Up to 500GB of DDOS Protection - Custom UDP/TCP firewall (3 Firewalls in total)
If you want to load into the server the first time you try to join faster you can download the mods before joining to help streamline your first experience on our Ark server.
Current Mod List - Direct connect link
[WWG][Kits/Points/Shop]25xall[Cluster#Ragnarok]VOTE - https://ark-servers.net/server/124765/vote/Direct Connect - to Favorites -
Structures Plus (S+)
Ultra Stacks
Dino Tracker
Awesome Teleporters!
Bore Water Kit
Kibble Table
Utilities Plus
Classic Flyers
Automated Ark
Bitou2k's Binocular
Tek Mine
(JEM) Additional Darts v1.19
Engram Unlocker
We thank you for any and all donations. All donations go towards server costs and other community expenses. Please note that we have no affiliation with these game developers and do not endorse pay to win servers. If you donate this is to help server costs only.
All WWG Game Server Rules
***The Common Sense Rules***
There will be no Racism in our chat. This includes Hatespeak. When cancer is found, it is cut out at the root. If screenshots are provided of the incident and or video of proof - the offending player will recieve a warning and then a perm ban. We all love a salty chat box during Raids, but there is no need to bring racism into play.
No Exploits or Hacks Period. These will most likely result in a permanent ban on a case by case basis.
No Extreme Griefing (AKA Dont be an Asshole) - No trolling new spawns and low level players - let them build and raid somebody in your own tier - Not everyone enjoys the Raid Life as a new player. Bully tactics used in a toxic manner such as constant KOS, multiple raids daily against the same groups or player. No bully slander in chat to push players off the server. I will remove the one person or members causing the issue if multiple groups threaten to leave because of continued toxicity.
NO Building in any Loot or Artifact caves or entrances or around entrances to block players entering or exiting. I will delete all structures of any offender.
NO Foundation spam! I will wipe your tribes structures if it gets out of hand. You are allowed exclusion blocks directly around your base to prevent building during raids but we don't need trash on the server. Play smart and keep it clean.
Depending on the severity of your actions you will get a warning or simply a permanent ban.